Merrey Road,
ST17 9LY

Healthcare Team


Our doctors work in a partnership and as a group. Although you are registered with a named doctor, you may see any of the doctors in the partnership.

Dr Manu K Agrawal MBBS, MRCGP. Birmingham 2012
Male, Senior Partner

Dr Sapna Vatish MBChB MRCGP. Leicester 2009
Female, Partner

Dr Nidhi Agrawal MBBS, MRCGP, MBBS - Mumbai 2004 / MRCGP Derby VTS 2012
Female, Partner

Dr Habib Ibrahim
Male, Locum GP

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Advanced Nurse Practitioners

  • Peter Hall Clinical Nurse Lead
  • Diana Crook

Advanced Nurse Practitioners are medical professionals who have undertaken considerable training and act as the triage service for the GPs. They provide 'same day' appointments and are able to prescribe medications, diagnose, treat and refer. Please note they are not able to issue sickness certificates.

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Practice Nurses

  •  Abigail Houlbrooke
  • Shannon Spiers

Our Practice Nurses are available throughout the week. They undertake routine procedures for us. For further information please see Practice Nursing Clinics and Services.

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Healthcare Assistant

Healthcare Assistant

Gemma Allen


Freya Street

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Practice Managment

Practice Manager (Operations and Human Resources)

Mrs Emma Shenton

Practice Manager (Business and Patient Services)

Mrs Laura Cadman

If you wish to discuss administrative or non medical aspects of your health treatment or if you have any ideas which will improve the services we provide, our Practice Managers may be able to help you.

The Practice Manager deals with problems or complaints you may have to do with the practice.

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Medical Administrators

Medical Administrators provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Medical Administrators make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses by using care navigation. They also perform other important tasks such as registering new patients, repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries, dealing with financial claims, dealing with patient records and carrying out searches and practice audits.

Should you have any problems with a referral please contact the surgery and ask to speak to the Senior Medical Administrator.

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Medical Students and Foundation Year 2 Doctors

Rising Brook Surgery has been accredited by Keele University School of Medicine as a Teaching Practice.

Medical students

Rising Brook Surgery has been accredited by Keele University School of Medicine as a Teaching Practice for Medical Students. Their general practice experience is an essential part of their learning and we are grateful to our patients who may be consulted by a student prior to being reviewed by one of the GPs. Medical students spend four weeks in General Practice during each year of their training.

Foundation Year 2 Doctors

Junior doctors working at Rising Brook Surgery have graduated from university with a medical degree and are in the second year of the Foundation Programme, this is a time when they develop their knowledge and skills. Junior doctors rotate through General Practice (every 4 months) in the same way they rotate through hospital specialities such as gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatry.

They are qualified doctors and will be registered with the General Medical Council.

Junior doctors have a longer time for their appointments, typically 20 minutes in duration. An appointment with a junior doctor is always under the supervision of a senior doctor at the Practice.

If you are scheduled to be seen by a student or junior doctor but would rather not see them for personal reasons please let a member of staff know beforehand and your request will be respected.

We wish to thank our patients for your support and patience with resident students and junior doctors.

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Other Team Members

Adequate modern medical care is not provided by the doctors alone. We work as a team to provide a comprehensive service. As well as the doctors, Nurses and Practice Manager, we also have:

Primary Care Network (PNC) Roles in General Practice

  • Clinical Pharmacist. Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.
  • Social Prescriber Link Worker. Social Prescribers help reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
  • Paramedic Practitioner. Paramedics in general practice help reduce the need to see a GP, they can independently prescribe, diagnosed, treat and refer to other service internally and externally.
  • Care Coordinator. Care Coordinators help to coordinate and navigate care across the health and care system. The can help patients get the right type of care and support for their conditions, putting patients and carers in touch with the correct services or GP staff to support their needs.
  • General Practice Assistant. General Practice Assistants (GP Assistant) support doctors in the smooth running of the surgery by handling routing administration and some basis clinical duties enabling the GP to focus more on the patient.

Other Practice Supported Community Services

  • Midwives. Weekly session in practice to see pregnant ladies who are registered at the practice.
  • District Nurses. To help with patient care in the community for patients that are housebound.
  • Health Visitors. To help families with young babies and children, contactable via the telephone to book an appointment.
  • Community Diabetic Specialist Nurse. Twice monthly clinics in practice to help with patients with type one diabetes.